Saturday, May 23, 2015

WOD 5/23/15 Partner

WOD "Kettlebaby"

All completed holding kettlebell. One partner holds while the other works. Setting it down is penalized with 5 burpees or child sanitization.

Run 400m
100 Push press (95/30)
100 Box Jumps (24/20)
100 Situps
100 KB swings (50/35)
100 Air squats
50 Pull-ups
Run 400m

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

WOD 5/19/15

WOD: naturals

5 rounds for time

Run 400m
19 KB swings (70)
19 push-ups

You'd think this move came from a PT parent, but nope, it's just fun to stretch hamstrings. Only double PT genetics can produce this kind of fun!

WOD 5/14/15


1 RM Deadllift (5 attempts)

5 min AMRAP
Double Unders

3 rounds
10 Split squat/leg (30)
Single leg RDL/leg (30

3 rounds
25 Sidesteps with powerband X
10 Vertical jumps

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

WOD 5/5/15

WOD: Cinco de Mayo (Nate's BDay)

20 min EMOM

5 OH press (75)
5 Hang snatch (75)
5 Box jump (24)