Thursday, December 17, 2015

WOD 12/17/15

WOD: Cleaning House

3 Rounds for Time:

20 KB Swings (50)
15 Pull-ups
10 TGU (5ea)
Run 800

WOD 12/15/15

WOD: Burpee, Lunge, Swing

25 min AMRAP

Run 200m
10 Burpees
15 Lunges (one arm KB front rack)
20 Swings

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

WOD 12/8/15

WOD Soren, the beast of the east.

$ in
Max clean and press

90 double unders
9 power cleans
9 strict pull-ups
60 double unders
6 power cleans
6 strict pull-ups
30 double unders
3 power cleans
3 strict pull-ups

$ out
3 rounds
25 sit-ups
15 push-ups