Saturday, February 2, 2013

WOD 2/7/13

WOD: "Arnie"
For time:

All with a single kettlebell/dumbell:

21 turkish getups, right arm
50 swings
21 overhead squats, left arm
50 swings
21 overhead squats, right arm
50 swings
21 turkish getups, left arm

Skill: Turkish Getup

Broad jumps 3 x 50 feet
Pullups 3 x 10

1 comment:

  1. MW/BP 14:40

    Tough one. 15# were a bit much for the getups and squats but proved too easy with the swings. May use different weights for the different segments next time.

    The additional work was helpful to round out the workout.

    Daily injury report: close quad strain crawling under the car for a football.
